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Deskscapes 8 wmv

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You can place any video file that you want to set as DreamScene background wallpaper in this folder.Ģ. The Above Installer will create Windows DreamScene in %WinDir%\Web\ folder. How to Add Video Clip, Image and apply to Windows 7 DreamSceneġ. The Windwos7-dreamscene.exe installer will copy DreamScene.dll to %WinDir%\System32 folder, to %WinDir%\System32\en-US folder and will automatically add required Registry entry.

deskscapes 8 wmv

Make sure you have Enabled Aero in Windows 7 before enabling DreamScene in Windows 7. Now run Windows7-DreamScene.exe as Administrator to install and enable Windows DreamScene on Windows 7.ģ. Download Windows7-dreamscene.exe, this executable patch will automatically copy the necessary DreamScene files and merge require registry keys and entries.Ģ. How to Install Enable DreamScene in Windows 7ġ. I am sure many users will be missing DreamScene in windows 7 but don’t worry here is way to install and Enable Dreamscene in Windows 7.The below hack requires you to install and run a patch as Administrator Privileges. This was another great feature of windows vista which has been removed in Windows 7. Windows DreamScene a feature in windows vista which allows video clip, movie show, slideshow or animated image and picture to be set as the desktop background.

Deskscapes 8 wmv